Drop Ship “Affiliate” Partner Program
Earn Commissions Through our "Drop Ship" - Affiliate Partner - Program!
We know that FAT Paint Retailers are rockstars; working hard, with both imagination and dedication, to market and sell the products they stock, all while serving the needs of their customers. That’s why TFPC is excited to offer our retailers the opportunity to generate what is essentially passive income through our Drop Ship Program!
In a nutshell, the Drop Ship Program allows retailers – you! – to sell FAT Paint on-line and make commissions!
It’s as simple as: create an account with us, and then copy/paste a link. YES, that’s it! Well… kinda, but we’ll get to that. Here’s a quick summary of what you’ll want to know, followed-up with detailed information below:
- Together, we’ll create an affiliate account on the FAT Paint Shop (our on-line store for retail sales).
- Commission for FAT Paint Retailer ‘affiliate’ partners (you) starts at 20%, and is assessed bi-annually with merit-based incremental increases awarded.
- You promote purchasing FAT Paint through the on-line shop on your website and social feeds.
- The FAT Paint Company fills and ships any orders received, directly to the customer.
- Commission for affiliate sales is paid out to you on or before the 20th of each month.
First... What is an Affiliate?
In the world of performance-based marketing and selling, an affiliate is an individual or business – oftentimes considered an “influencer” in their niche or sphere – who agrees to include a link to a company’s products on their website and/or social feeds. When a product is sold on the company site through the affiliate’s link, the affiliate receives a portion of the sale as commission.

Setting Up Your Affiliate Account - Video Version
This video demonstrates how you set up your affiliate account. If you’re a visual learner, you may find that watching how Victoria navigates around the site will really help! Regardless, you’re encouraged to review the more comprehensive information below the video where we break down how you’ll set up your account as well as offer some specific, usable information that may not be fully captured in the video.
Creating your Affiliate Account
In order to participate in our Drop Ship Program, you must register as an Affiliate with our on-line store. Here are a few steps that you (and we) need to do to make that happen:
Commission Rates & Incremental Increases
If you partner with us as a Drop Ship Affiliate you start out earning 20% commission on all sales made by customers who – by navigating to our on-line store through your affiliate link – purchase FAT Paint products. It’s as simple as that.
Commission rates aren’t set in stone.
Twice a year – on June 15th and on January 15th, respectively – we’ll review sales activity and where merited, will increase affiliate commission rates in 2% increments, to a maximum of 30%. It’s important to note that Retailers who – during the first four months of the program (October – January 2019) – took the on-line store leap with us and opted into our Drop Ship Program were given set commission rates. These specific affiliate accounts will NOT benefit from incremental increases.
Because this is a new program, we don’t yet know the sales criteria we’ll use to determine what “sales activity” looks like. For that reason we’ll conduct two internal reviews in 2019, looking at overall sales activity on the site (all sales) and juxtapose them with the sales activity of Retailer affiliate accounts specifically.* These two reviews will take place by May 15th (in preparation for the June 15th assessment) and again by December 15th (in preparation for the January 15, 2020, assessment). It is our belief that after a year of sales, we should be able to fairly determine the criteria and achievement benchmarks that we’ll use to assess the merit of our incremental 2% commission increases.
There is no guarantee that an affiliate partner will be granted a commission increase.
While it’s currently our plan to permanently set the achievement benchmarks after the November 15, 2019 internal sales review, if sales activity warrants it, we may consider conducting one more review prior to the June 15, 2020 assessment.
*Note: We have an affiliate partner program with social media influencers. We will not include their sales activity numbers when assessing your achievement benchmarks, nor will we include yours when assessing their achievement benchmarks. We don’t want their sales activity to either positively or negatively influence (a pun!) where we set your benchmarks, and vice versa.
Tracking On-Line Sales & Commission Payments
Tracking Your On-Line Sales
Information coming
Commission Payments
Information coming
Using your "Affiliate Link" - and - Promote, Promote, Promote!
The Essence of Drop Ship
The following information is – in some fashion – transitioning into the headings above, and has been left on the site as general information
So… when we say “passive income”, exactly what does that mean? What commissions can be earned? How does this work and what do you need to do?
Let’s start with the notion of passive income. In short form, passive income is money that you earn without doing much to make it. In truth however, the more active you are in promoting your link (more on that below) the greater possible income you can earn. For example, you can do as little as include an “Affiliate Image Link” on your website (usually sitting in a sidebar on your site) and earn commissions through any organic clicks/purchases. If you’re a blogger you can kick things up a notch and direct people to the link when ever you post about a FAT Paint project. You can take it further still by mentioning the link on regular Facebook and/or Instagram posts (an option if you don’t have a blog and/or website). In the end the more you promote the on-line store and offer potential buyers access through your link – and they make purchases – the more commission you may earn.
Once you register for an account, we’ll receive an email informing us of your intent. We’ll approve your registration, and you’ll receive an email confirming approval.
As an Affiliate Partner you have access to the “Affiliate Area”, found under “My Account” on the On-line Store. This is your home base for everything! You’ll find your link (called a referral URL) here. Copy and paste this link anywhere you want. If you’d like to include it in the sidebar on your website, grab an Image from the Dropbox below. Attach the link to the image when you drop it into your site.
You can also create specific referral URLs for campaigns… for example, you FAT Paint’d something in “Red Barchetta” and you want to direct possible sales to that colour specifically… copy the URL from that colour’s page, enter it into the appropriate field and select “generate”. Voila!
The system is currently set to send you an email every time a customer purchases product via your link. Once things are running smoothly, we may cancel this setting. Feel free to let us know what you think… keep or scratch? Keep in mind that you can always track sales through the “Affiliate Area”.
Commissions will be paid out to Affiliate Partners on the 20th of every month for all purchases made prior to the 1st of that month. All payments are made through PayPal, so retailers who participate in the program must have a PayPal account. Ensure that the email associated with your PayPal account is the one you’ve included in your account information when you register (you can update your account information in the “Affiliate Area” under “Settings” at any time).
Last note: When ever you’re promoting FAT Paint & products while providing your referral link it’s important that you advise your followers and potential customers that you are an Affiliate. Transparency is a standard that we’d like you to uphold.
If you have any questions about the Affiliate Partner Program, get in touch with Victoria at victoria@fatpaint.ca OR by post on the FAT Paint Retailers’ Community Page on Facebook.