The Inside Story
June 19, 2019

After a lot of deliberation, you’ve selected the FAT Paint colour you’ll use to re-invent a piece of furniture. You have your tools at the ready and you’re all set to dive into the task. But wait! Do you have a design plan? There’s no doubt in my mind that with just making that...
French Country Inspired Fireplace
May 10, 2019

If you love French country charm, artisan, decorator and FAT Paint Ambassador Amélie from The Suburban Home is the one to follow. Case in point: this amazing fireplace makeover, achieved with FAT Paint! Amélie started with a complete blank slate. First she used “Raven” on the trim around the fireplace, creating a more cohesive,...
Discover FAT Paint Inspiration
January 13, 2016

Looking to inspire your next FAT Paint project? We’ve got a Pinterest board just for you! Follow The FAT Paint Company’s board The FAT Paint Company on Pinterest. Want your FAT Paint project to be featured? We love sharing FAT-tastic projects on any of our social channels. Be sure to give us a follow and let...