FAT Paint’d Pumpkin
October 20, 2017

If your Instagram feed is anything like ours, you’re likely scrolling through an influx of FAT Paint’d pumpkin pictures these days. And that can only mean one thing: Halloween is right around the corner!!...
#FATwashere – Take the Challenge!
June 7, 2017

Photograph a FAT Paint can in your favourite spot and post it on Instagram with the hashtag: #FATwashere...
How Fabrics Can Inspire Your Next FAT Paint Project
January 23, 2017

With spring just around the corner, you may be itching for a new FAT Paint project, but have no idea what to do or where to start. You don’t have to look far for inspiration. From the drapes to throw pillows and rugs – even your favourite old fuzzy blanket – ideas are lingering in...
The “Dharma Chair”
June 15, 2016

We took an old, boring chair and gave it a new lease on life this month featuring one of our newest FAT Paint colours: Dharma. You’ll be inFATuated with our latest FAT Paint make-over for two key reasons. The use of Patina FAT Wax to darken the vibrant and bright Dharma, adding more depth and...
A Very FAT Christmas Tree DIY
December 16, 2015

This year at The FAT Paint Company, we decided to trim the tree a little differently for the holiday season. The FAT Paint Christmas Tree DIY became a fun project everyone in the office could take part in – and you could easily do in your home as well! It just requires a smaller, fake...